Sonntag, 1. September 2013

Today was another day when I had been at home. For beating boredom, I decided to make a cake
~California Dreaming~ . It took me 3 hours to do it  -with a burnt cake cream, a cracked cake base, too large nuts, a friend on the telephone, who was just beating my ears, a dirty kitchen, a totally not focused mind. . .

 But it worked out! #nevergiveuponyourdreams  ;)
In the evening I was at my Laptop, and the first hompage that came, showed me
A Streaker! - At a Football match in Hannover
 Poor guy, could not have fun
and this one is also very sad. . .
Flitzer beim Rugby
-but why ? :o
Well. . .
Flitzer beim Rugby
He's also a Streaker *0*
And I love this picture. . .
Flitzer beim Rugby
This pose reminds me a bit of Mona Lisa -divinity.
But one Thing we have to give These guys:
They showed us that
- Showing his nice site, has it's Price.
Okay, that's it!
Thanks again for reading :)
Hope, you enjoyed it.
See ya!
Yours, agi.

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