Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Hello everybody! =)

Unfortunately I had no time to write another blog yesterday )= 
- so I'll do it now! 

my parents and me and my grandma, we're going on vacation: 2 weeks in Italy! Juhuu! 
That's why you won't hear of me during this time, but promise- I will let you know when I am back. :) 

By the way- I've poshed my bikini up a bit, it was just white, until I decided to spice it up. 

That's the interim result. . .


                                                           . . .and that's the final result. . . 

I've just sewed black palettes on . 
Well, it's not a masterpiece, but I like it! 

Okay, so bye. 

See ya soon! 

Yours, agi. 

Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013

Bonjour Mesdames et Monsieurs ! 

You see, I am still alive. . .because I couldn't go to the store yesterday, I had no money, my parents were away, and then ( unfortunately ) there were thunderstorms- although I really like them . 

I've already washed the old fridge in our kitchen- you see, mom & dad, I am still able to do useful things!- and now I am about to write this blog. . . 

my today's topic:                  


I personally do my hair always back in a ponytail, or in a bun, sometimes in pigtails, but that doesn't happen really often. - I don't think that pigtails fit to my face. . .

Nevertheless, I love fishtail braids, just like that one

or this 

-really pretty

I also like french braids -of course

. . .like the one which has Ashley Greene or
this model 

Ponytails. . .

-although I could never make it like that :(

But my favorite will always be. . .


I love how Zoella does them! 

And that was my collection of the hairstyles I like a lot!

Thanks for watching, and if you like it- suscribe! (: 

See you tomorrow!

Yours, agi. 

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013

Hello everyone! :)

Because of the boredom I'm exposed to, I decided to felt this nice pocket.

I was curious to see whether I would make it or not. . . 

(I have to say that I'm not such a big fan of felted articles, but this one has convinced me to dare it.)

I was really optimistic, the first week of my holidays was rescued.

Until I saw this. . . 
                                                                         And this. . .

and I became depressive. . .
But my mom had already bought the book with the guidances, so what? 
I had to do it. . .

So I took the needle and the sponge, 
and went into my room. 

I grabbed the box with all my felt in every colour in it, 
and everything I saw was. . .

. . .that there was no felt in it ?! 

Today I'm about to go to the store near my house for buying some felt. . .
I still don't know where it is. . . *creepy* 
and whether I will make it. . . :$

hopefully these are the only incidents which took place. 
maybe someone up there doesn't want me to do it. :0 
But I think I won't die while felting. -and if that happens, you will notice it as the first!
Until tomorrow. :) 

Yours, agi. 

Montag, 22. Juli 2013

Good morning! (:

As some of you, who have already read my last blog, - thank you so much, you're the best! :D,  know, I love France. 

And I love the nature. 

If I had someone, who would do this with me, I'd even go to a survivorcamp, hmm sleeping nearby bears and wulfs. . . -perhaps I'm not made for such excesses, but only the thought of it has something to me. . .

                                                       I mean, just look at this

Grass. O.o


(sweet blue mushrooms- don't you know you're toxic?...) 

tadaa: our wallpaper! pure nature :')

And for you, who watched it until the end: 
A rainbow, for luck!

I did all pictures by myself. 
Hope you liked it! 

Yours, agi. 

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013

Hello everyone! :)

Today it's really hot here in Solingen, I think about 30° celsius. -that doesn't often happen in this rainy Solingen, so I took the opportunity to bathe in the sun. 
-with success! I've got a tan and now I am a real brownie. . .

         - just like a model .

And I did pancakes! But I have always a problem with turning them around, so. . .


But still having a good day with my book in français

Although it is a book for children (or foreign people like me), and I am pretty good in french in school, 
it was really depressing, when I noticed, that I understand maximum half of the text.

But with this sister
...I'm hitting the slopes!

French is very beautiful.
I know, a lot of the people in my age are of the opinion that it's the gayest language in the whole world, because of the vocals in i.e. the words en or un. 
But in comparison to all other languages, French sounds melodiously and fluently. 
I just love it!  

One day I want to go to Paris and hopefully have such a breathtaking view from the Eiffel tower like the one lucky guy, who has taken this picture. . .

so soo sooo beautiful!  

All in All, dreaming & writing blogs make my holidays.  
See ya! 

Samstag, 20. Juli 2013

Hey, I am Agnes, I am 15 years old and I - no...Hello everyone, my name is Agnes and I live in France- No! Once upon a time there was a girl called Heinrich, Agnes Heinrich- NO!
You see, I don't really know how to begin with my blog. But if you read the first three lines and you are still reading this, -thanks!!!- then you've already seen that I am 15 years old, I live in Germany ( France is my wish) and my name is Agnes.
It is the first day of the long summer holidays, which I've been waiting for sooo long and now I really do not know what to do. :$ maybe some of you can understand what I mean...
my friends are all away on vacation. and I am here, with my computer... after some time of doing nothing and just watching some trees loosing their sheets, I decided to write a blog. about my life.  my plans, and stuff like this.
I don't think it will be the most interesting and exciting thing ever to read, but maybe it will make my holidaytime pass by quicklier .
so thanks to those who read this text until this line. You are heroes to me! :)
& sorry about my english mistakes, I am not a pro...
Tomorrow I'll write the first article, so keep reading my "really exciting" blog, if you like to.

yours, agi.