Montag, 22. Juli 2013

Good morning! (:

As some of you, who have already read my last blog, - thank you so much, you're the best! :D,  know, I love France. 

And I love the nature. 

If I had someone, who would do this with me, I'd even go to a survivorcamp, hmm sleeping nearby bears and wulfs. . . -perhaps I'm not made for such excesses, but only the thought of it has something to me. . .

                                                       I mean, just look at this

Grass. O.o


(sweet blue mushrooms- don't you know you're toxic?...) 

tadaa: our wallpaper! pure nature :')

And for you, who watched it until the end: 
A rainbow, for luck!

I did all pictures by myself. 
Hope you liked it! 

Yours, agi. 

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