Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Hello everybody! =)

Unfortunately I had no time to write another blog yesterday )= 
- so I'll do it now! 

my parents and me and my grandma, we're going on vacation: 2 weeks in Italy! Juhuu! 
That's why you won't hear of me during this time, but promise- I will let you know when I am back. :) 

By the way- I've poshed my bikini up a bit, it was just white, until I decided to spice it up. 

That's the interim result. . .


                                                           . . .and that's the final result. . . 

I've just sewed black palettes on . 
Well, it's not a masterpiece, but I like it! 

Okay, so bye. 

See ya soon! 

Yours, agi. 

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