Hey, I am Agnes, I am 15 years old and I - no...Hello everyone, my name is Agnes and I live in France- No! Once upon a time there was a girl called Heinrich, Agnes Heinrich- NO!
You see, I don't really know how to begin with my blog. But if you read the first three lines and you are still reading this, -thanks!!!- then you've already seen that I am 15 years old, I live in Germany ( France is my wish) and my name is Agnes.
It is the first day of the long summer holidays, which I've been waiting for sooo long and now I really do not know what to do. :$ maybe some of you can understand what I mean...
my friends are all away on vacation. and I am here, with my computer... after some time of doing nothing and just watching some trees loosing their sheets, I decided to write a blog. about my life. my plans, and stuff like this.
I don't think it will be the most interesting and exciting thing ever to read, but maybe it will make my holidaytime pass by quicklier .
so thanks to those who read this text until this line. You are heroes to me! :)
& sorry about my english mistakes, I am not a pro...
Tomorrow I'll write the first article, so keep reading my "really exciting" blog, if you like to.
yours, agi.
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